Monday, September 17, 2007

Glenn Agrees With Newt Gingrich

9/18/07's Program: Though Glenn doesn't believe that oil is the #1 reason for the US to be in the Middle East, he does feel it belongs in a close 2nd. I agree with Mr. Beck's reasoning on this one.

I would like very much to become independant of the Middle East's oil...since the fact is that much of the US economy is based on such a resource. I also would like to see more automotive innovations dealing with the problem. I know the technology is out there to make the changes, I just don't understand why it's being held back. I recall an ads for cars that boasted about 50mpg, then once it was actually on the lots...I was disappointed to see the numbers were 10-15mpg less than that.

So, what do we do?

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