Thursday, October 4, 2007

Second Amendment Rights

I DEFINITELY agree with Glenn on this one. I think it's time for the NRA to finally voice how they REALLY feel about the attempts to rid our country of this Amendment. I think many members try to emphasize the freedom to hunt, as a way to keep more people open to supporting the right. However, in their hearts they know the truth. The Founding Fathers felt that the "Right to Bear Arms" was important to keep government from becoming too powerful. If we let Congress remove the 2nd Amendment from our Constitution, then it won't take long for the people to lose what control we have left over our country. One of the powers it gives to the people, is the obvious one of owning a gun for basic protection. However, the one most tend to overlook is the right to use the guns to stand up against a corrupt government. It was put there so that we would have the ability to do what the malitias of the 1700s did to the British government. If it weren't for the Colonists owning weapons and standing up against a corrupt and controlling English rule, we might not be calling ourselves Americans today.

So, if state legislators want to pass laws to regulate certain aspects of owning firearms, that is in their power to do so. The only thing that I am strongly against, is taking the 2nd Amendment out of our Constitution.

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